By the end of the 1930s and the early 40s, the public had grown weary of Art Deco and reviled it as old and outdated. Luckily, architecture outlasts the whims of fashion, and one may still see many fine examples of Art Deco architecture right here in Oklahoma, specifically in Tulsa. 

There were three architects who graced Tulsa with Art Deco masterpieces: Barry Byrne, Bruce Goff, and Frank Lloyd Wright.  One reason Tulsa has so much Art Deco style architecture is because the city came of age as a major metropolitan area within the two decades in which Art Deco was the popular style. 

To see some of the Art Deco Architecture in Tulsa, visit:

The Tulsa Fire Alarm Building is one of Tulsa’s great Art Deco buildings. Designed by Frederick V. Kershner, the building features Terra cotta frieze work that was based on the detailing of Kershner’s award-winning Mayan Temple Design.

Art Deco design buttons are found in a wide variety of materials:  celluloid, metal, wood, vegetable ivory and glass.  Many of the glass Art Deco buttons are embellished with silver luster, which was made of platinum.